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Country Profile


Independence date: May 14-15, 1811

Country name: Republic of Paraguay

Capital: Asuncion

Government type: Republic


Area: 406,750 km 2

Geographical Location : Located in the South American continent, its bordered by Bolivia to the North and Northeast; by Brazil to the East, and by Argentina to the South and West.

Climate:The climate in Paraguay can be distinguished in two seasons: a warm, rainy season with an average temperature of 31ºC to 38ºC, and predominant winds from the Northwest that bring a lot of rain to the country; and a cold, dry season, with little rain, predominant winds from the South, and an average temperature that ranges from 0ºC to 14.5ºC.

Organization of its territory : The Paraguay River divides the territory of the country in two great natural regions: the Oriental Region and the Occidental Region. Politically, the Paraguayan State is divided into a Capital District (the city of Asuncion) and seventeen departments.

Natural Resources: The country offers mainly water, hydro electrical, and forest resources, as well as, great agriculture and livestock raising opportunities. It also has reserves of natural gas and non-ferrous minerals.

Natural Resources: The country offers mainly water, hydro electrical, and forest resources, as well as, great agriculture and livestock raising opportunities. It also has reserves of natural gas and non-ferrous minerals.

Population Density : 14 hab/km 2

Languages that are spoken in the country: Spanish is the country's official language; the guarani, a language considered national patrimony, is also wildly spoken.

Currency: guarani (G) 6,180 = 1.00 US$


Executive Branch -Chief of State and Head of Government:

Population: 6.451.122 inhabitantes (Source: Dirección General de Estadística, Encuestas y Censos)

Urban Population: 56.1%

Rural Population: 43.1%

Population Growth: 2.3%

State divisions: Executive Power

Congress (2 Chambers), Judicial Power

Administrative divisions: 17 Departments

Elections: Every 5 years (last 2003)

President: Santiago Peña Palacios
